“I’ll be having a few words with Aunt Jocasta when I see her.” Ruh-roh, Aunty J is in trouble with her nephew. Aunt Jocasta has something to do with it, and Jamie is not pleased. Jamie laments he’s sorry Fergus couldn’t be here as he’s a big fan of Flora and her epic tale! Turns out Fergus is running a print shop. They’re even cute when they’re talking about liking other people. And Claire Fraser is enjoying as much as we are. Dinna be daft.” Jamie Fraser is full-on blushing.

Confused, Jamie replies, “A what?!” “A tendresse!” Claire replies in French and laughs. Claire says, “Sounds like you had a small crush on her,” amused. Omg Flora! The Bonnie Prince tiny boat smuggler! Jamie gleefully says he’s excited to see Flora. Claire says she needs to get to the apothecary before Flora McDonald’s event. Jamie’s gotta crushĬlaire and Jamie are unpacking in their room at the inn in Wilmington. “One of my dearest,” Lord John replies And the Governor is like, “Cool go check where his loyalties lie.” Is this mission John Grey’s dream? Yes, it is. The Governor asks, “He’s a friend of yours?” Oh yeah, he is…. The Governor asks, “Is this a letter of resignation or revolt?” And then John stops looking mad, and his Jamie love eyes return, “It’s the former.” But then he looks mad again. He reads the letter out loud to someone we know. By the way, Jamie Fraser has super nice handwriting. The Governor is reading a resignation letter from James Fraser. Twitter: TinyTunney Jamie resigns & Lord John Grey returns This episode includes a special opening version of the theme song and it’s beautiful. Land, sea, dead, alive, Jamie and Claire bringing sexy, make that sexsea, back at all times. Remember when Jamie and Claire literally fell into the giant ocean and Claire died and Jamie gave her underwater CPR, but also may have just tried to make out with her one last time in season 3? Good times. They’re in a very small boat and that’s a very big ocean. They slyly get the British to allow them to escape. The woman helping him escape is Flora McDonald (Shauna Macdonald). And complaining about wearing women’s garb as he cowardly is escaping Scotland. It’s too soon, isn’t it? Now we know why the Outlander theme song changed to, “Sing me a song of a lad that is gone.” It is about him. “Sing me a song of a lad that is back…” And that lad would be Bonnie Prince Charlie. To quote Bonnie Prince, “Mark me” this episode is packed. She’s a doctor! It’s called medicine, people. While Bree is nature walking, Roger is spending a lot of time with a woman who’s not his wife. And let’s just say they find something super creepy, and no not Malva - although this episode marks when Malva reveals a new terrifying side of herself. Back on the Ridge, Bree is roaming through the woods with Malva, Marsali, and Lizzie. (Also see Diana Gabaldon, creator of Jamie and Claire and author of all the Outlander books). Is there anything better than seeing Claire and Jamie Fraser ( Caitríona Balfe and Sam Heughan) dress up in their finest duds and hit a bougie political party, where they run into several people from their past, including the woman who helped Bonnie Prince “Mark Me” Charlie escape Scotland after the Battle of Culloden? You remember him, the man who is responsible for Jamie and Claire’s 20-year separation. And Jamie and Claire look ridiculously attractive in their party clothes. Someone from the past who loves Jamie returns. Someone sees something weird bottled in a jar.